Thursday, April 28, 2011

Queen For A Day

The Royal Wedding in England has got the whole world talking. We are no exception.
In celebration we have held our very own Princess Picnic.

We have put together a guide for you to hold your own Princess Picnic.

You will need: 

1. A friend/family member/group of friends or even just some soft toys/dolls  

2. A Noe & Zoe crown (shown above). Make sure there is one for every princess at the picnic

3. A big blanket-the more colourful the better! 

4. Some pretty plates. Why not make your own designs by drawing and colouring paper plates.

5. Fill the plates with food-real/imaginary/fake to enjoy. Look at our fabric cake (above pics). What could you make for it? Maybe you have a recipe for a  great picnic treat. We would love to hear about it.

6. Decorate the rug and surrounding area with bunting, paper chains and other decorations

7. Sing some songs, play some games and act like a Princess (or Prince)  

8. Most important of all.... HAVE SOME FUN!!

For an extra special Royal touch why not follow The Guardian’s instructions and knit yourself a Corgi!  (or get someone like your mum/grandma to help)

This is our recipe for the perfect Princess Picnic. We hope you have fun and please feel free to share your picnic tips and photographs. We look forward to seeing them.

See you soon. N&Z.xx