Wednesday, May 18, 2011

We are Sailing! We are Sailing!

 Noé and Zoë went to sea
In a beautiful white-ish boat,
They took some honey, and plenty of money,
Wrapped up in a five Euro note.
Noé looked up to the stars above,
And sang to a small guitar,
'O lovely Zoë! O Zoë my love, What a beautiful Zoë you are,
          You are,
          You are!
What a beautiful Zoë you are!'

(Our own verison of The Owl and the Pussy Cat by Edward Lear)

Wouldn't it be great to set sail in a boat and discover another land. Or maybe go round the entire world watching all the sea creatures in their natural environments. Imagine what you would see...
According to the poem above Noé and Zoë took lots of money with them which would be good if they planned to stop anywhere-hopefully it will be somewhere with the same currency. Honey is also a good bet as it has a long life span but what would they eat with it? Surely they would feel sick if they only ate honey! If you were going off on your adventures what would you pack with you? And where would you go? Do you know any poems that share this adventure theme? Share them with us we would love to hear them.

Why not make a boat of your own like Noé and Zoë's and you could have many hours of fun exploring other countries like them!

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